Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder

Title: Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder
Author: Richard Louv
Publisher Date: 2008
Price: $14.95
Genre: Nature and Child Development

Annotation: This recipient of the 2008 Audubon Medal is an awakening book for parents to reconnect their children with nature and the affects of a nature-less phenomenon nature-deficit disorder which the author identified before writing this book.

Evaluation: This is a wonderful read for modern parents, especially those who live in cities or areas that don’t encourage outdoor play or connections to the natural world. Also, in a world that everything’s answer is given in digital forms from television to computers, parents are introduced to a natural answer to common current trends in illnesses such as “ADD.” An inspiring look at days gone by where we spent much more time playing outside and an encouraging goal to get our kids away from nature-deficit disorder (a clever play on the all to common “Attention Deficit Disorder”). Will get parents, teachers, and librarians thinking about new and interesting ways to share activities and play with children.

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