The Napping House

Title: The Napping House
Author: Audrey Wood
Price: $25.95
    • 32 pages
    • Publisher: Harcourt Big Books; 1 edition
    • Publishing Date: May 15, 1991
    • ISBN-10: 0152567119
Classification: Picture Book

Annotation: In this napping house, EVERYONE is one big pile! But what happens when one character wakes up? THEY ALL WAKE each other up!

Evaluation: There is so much to do with this simply amazing sleep-time tale, I don't know where to begin. First of all, as everyone falls asleep its raining and dark. As the story goes forward, and everyone wakes up in the hysterical domino effect, it ends on a sunny, rainbow day! Developmentally appropriate angles abound within these pages that can be taken advantage of here. A parent or librarian can do picture walks, talk about colors, predict, and of course, this is a great naptime and bedtime story! Definitely not to be missed!