Alice and Greta

Title: Alice and Greta
Author: Steven J. Simmons and Cyd Moore
Pages: 32
Price: $7.95 (Paperback)
Publisher: Charlesbridge+ Publishing
Publisher Date: July 1999
ISBN: 0881069760
Classification: Picture Books

Annotation: Whatever you do comes back to you?
While good witch Alice uses her powers for good, Greta, bad witch and sister to Alice, uses her powers for quite the opposite. In this colorful and cool fairy tale of good witch bad witch, Greta must learn "the brewmerang principle": that whatever you "brew" comes back to you.

Evaluation: I absolutely love this book. It is one of my all time favorites. I love to read it aloud (it's best for 3, 4, or above in age). A wonderful tale about doing good in a classic good witch bad witch genre. Kids are mesmerized by the vidiv colors and root for the witches and their antics. This book and it's series of titles are all ripe to be re-found as a special title in children's literature. The illustrations are phenomenal.