First Art: Art explorations for Toddlers and Twos

Title: First Art: Art explorations for Toddlers and Twos
Author: MaryAnn F. Kohl
Price: $14.95
ISBN: 0876592221
Publisher: Gryphon House
Publishing Date: 2002
Genre: Parenting and Activities
Subject: Art

Annotation: An easy to use guide for parents in first art activities and exploration for toddlers and two year olds. It's the process not the product!

Evaluation: Many parents think of art as a talent, special for those older children that show an interest. With this book, directed to the early years, redefines that notion. “It’s the process not the product” say this book of art explorations perfect for the little one. It explains the idea behind art for little ones, as well as how to use the book and how to set up for projects. It also illustrates how to do the projects and has some color picture examples. A fun and inspirational book for parents with great activities anyone can do with their little ones!